Meet the Teacher is scheduled for August 13th from 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm. at each campus. For any questions please contact your child's campus.
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
meet the teacher
This Monday (7/29) at 9 AM, there will be scheduled downtime of the DISD phone system for approximately 4 hours. We will be using this time to upgrade our phone lines and district phone system. As always, if you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
over 5 years ago, Technology Department
Dilley Wolves Football Camp
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
Football Camp
Congratulations to the MHMS Cheerleaders!! Team Awards - 3rd Place in Rally Routine (Dance Routine) 1st Place in Cheer 1st Place Over All in Game Day Individual Awards - Mia Aranda & Siyenna Garcia both made All American.
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
ms cheer
Dilley ISD is now accepting applications for the following positions: Elementary Teacher & Paraprofessional, Middle School Special Education, High School Math, and Social Worker. Please apply online at or contact the Administration Office at (830) 965-1912.
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
Join our team
Attention Parents/Guardians: On March 25, 2019, the Dilley ISD School Board Members approved to purchase school supplies for all students that attend Dilley ISD for the 2019-2020 School Year. The only item that will NOT be purchased by the district will be backpacks. No additional school supplies will need to be bought by the parents. If you have any questions, please contact the Administration Building at (830)965-1912.
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
school supplies
The 2019-2020 District Wide Student Registration is scheduled for July 29th & 30th from 10a-6:30pm at the DHS Cafetorium. This is for all students returning & new to Dilley ISD. If new to Dilley ISD a Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, Immunization Record, Proof of Residency, Parent/Guardian Identification & Transcript from previous school (if available) will be required. For any other information please contact Steve Lozano at (830) 965-1912
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
student registration
The regular scheduled July Board Meeting has been moved from the 15th to Tuesday, July 16th at 6:30 p.m. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the administration building at (830)965-1912.
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
Attention returning Substitute Teachers: Please make sure to login to your personnel file through TalentEd to sign all your pending tasks, including your 19-20 Substitute Letter of Assurance. Failure to sign will result in your name taken off the Substitute List. Below is the link to login. Thank you!
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
Mandatory Training's for returning Substitute Teachers. You will only need to attend one before the 19-20 school year. New Substitute Teachers welcome!!
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
sub training
DHS Color Guard will be having a Mangonada & Bake Sale. Friday, June 28th and Friday, July 5th from 6pm-8pm at Dollar General.
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
Summer Band Rehearsal If you cannot attend summer band, you must notify Mrs. Robertson via Remind in order to have a spot in the show. Notifying Mrs. Robertson in advance is important. Mandatory DHS Summer Band Rehearsal Dates and Times: July 29, 30 & 31 Inside Rehearsal 8:30-12; 1:00-3:30 August 1 & 2 Outside 8:30-12; Inside 1:00-3:30 August 5-9 Schedule to be announced All 8th grade -12th grade band members and their parents need to sign up with the band link on Remind. This can be accessed through cell phones and computers. All important messages will be conveyed through this link. The new link is provided below: Text the number 81010 In the message, type @dilleyhsb
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
Summer Lunch Menu 6/3-6/6 from 11:30am - 1:00pm Mon - bean & cheese tostadas, rice, lettuce, tomato, & apple Tues - chicken fried steak, gravy, fries, roll, and fruit Wednesday - meat Loaf, mashed potatoes, roll, and fruit Thursday - Chicken & Cheese quesadillas, green beans, rice, and fruit **milk provided with all lunches**
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
Congratulations to the following seniors! They are the 2019 recipients of the Golden Rule Scholarship in the amount of $1000.00/Year. Taylor Autrey Emma Perez Elizabeth Mattingly Alexis Martinez
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
Day 1 of Summer Strength & Conditioning Workouts was great with 60+ athletes. It’s never too late to join the FAMILY! Tomorrow’s workout times - Strength & Conditioning 8 - 10am, Sports Specific - Session 1 (FB, VB, CC) 10:20 - 11am, Session 2 (BB, GBB, SB, Bb) 11:20 - 12pm
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
Senior, Enrique Garza competed in his final high school football game Thursday night at Shirley Field in Laredo, Texas. Garza was a featured back for the West All-Star team in the South Texas Coaches Association All-Star Game. The Dilley Wolf racked up 28 yards on 4 carries and set up a key block for a touchdown late in the second quarter. The West All-Stars won the game 24-21. Enrique Garza was a 3 year Letterman for the Dilley Wolves and led his team to the playoffs 3 years in a row.
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
Summer Breakfast/Lunch Information!
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
summer lunch
Dilley Football Standouts Two Dilley Football standouts are on their way to the Southwest Super Combine at Dallas Cowboys’ AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas. Junior, Carlos Gonzales (Positions:Running Back & Linebacker) and Senior, Dustin Dominguez (Positions:Offensive Line & Defensive Line) showcased their talents at the Regional Combined and were invited to 1 of 5. Super Combines at a national level. Both athletes will compete in the: bench press, vertical jump, 40 yard dash, shuttle run, and different football positional skill exercises. By competing in these events Dilley’s athletes have the potential to receive collegiate recognition to brighten their football careers. Each athlete will attend a Media Dinner and will be Interviewed before competition. The Southwest Super Combine will be June 29th, 2019. The event will also be streamed by the Impact Football Network (IFN). Congratulations to the Athletes!!
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
Summer Strength & Conditioning Schedule for Athletes!
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
summer strength
Summer sports specific Training!
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD