Cotulla ISD has decided not to sale pre-sale tickets for Friday's game. There will be designated parking areas for the visitors entrance which is shown on the picture below. Go Wolves Go!

The Band Booster Club will be having a taco plate sale!
Sunday 9/15/19 @ First United Methodist Church
(132 W. Miller)
From 12:00pm -2:30pm
$5 a plate
Come out and support our Band!!!

Attention Citizens of Dilley!!

Cross country was on the trail again in Hondo this past weekend. 2nd Place - Melody Del Real and High School girls took 5th overall with 137 points. Everyone's times have been improving. Next meet, Sat., 9/14 @ River Park in Bandera for both Junior/High School.

Grandparents Day @ DES!

Grandparents Day at DES went great !! Thanks to all who came !

DHS Pep Rally #wolfpride #beatJourdanton

DHS Pep Rally #wolfpride #beatJourdanton

DHS pep rally #beatJourdanton #wolfpride

Dilley’s Lady Pups took on the Cotulla Cowgirls last night in what would prove to be an exciting showdown!!
8th grade B team took the court first and beat the Cowgirls in both sets coming out on top 20-19 and 21-18!!
Our 7th graders then took the court and put up a fight falling short in 2 games 13-25 and 15-25.
Dilley’s 8th grade A team came out with guns blazing and made the Cowgirls work for every point they received! In the end our Lady Pups were the victors, having to battle to 3 sets. 1st set was won 25-22, 2nd set battled but lost a very exciting set 25-27, 3rd set our girls won 15-11!!!
Their next game will take place in Natalia on Monday Sept. 9th!

South Texas High School Football is here! Dilley Wolves vs Jourdanton Indians at Dilley. Kick off 7pm Friday Sept 6.
Pep Rally begins at 2:25 pm at the DHS gym. Visitors must have an ID to check in front office. Please park in the front of the HS. #beatJourdanton #wolfpride

Wintergarden District FFA Leadership Lab: Our Dilley FFA officers traveled to Eagle Pass, TX to attend the Wintergarden District FFA Leadership Lab. They had a blast connecting with other FFA members in our district! #wolfpride

Grandparent’s Day Tomorrow at Dilley Elementary School! Come read a book with your grandchild and take a pic! Please know your grandchild’s teacher to make it easier in the office. Here are the times for the grade levels:
PK3: 11:30
PK4: 2:45-3:15
Kinder: 8:55-9:40
1st: 9:45-10:30
2nd: 10:35-11:20
4th: 1:00-1:45
5th: 1:50-2:35

MHMS Cheerleaders showing good sportsmanship with Jourdanton Cheerleader Madison. #AmericaNeedsCheerleaders #GoPupsGo

Support the Dilley ISD Volleyball teams by purchasing a shirt. Deadline for ordering is Monday, September 10th.

The pep rally is scheduled for Friday, September 6, 2019, at 2:25 p.m.
Theme this week is candy land...students wear
Seniors: neon blue
Juniors: neon pink
Sophomores: neon yellow
Freshman: purple
Parents/guardians are required to enter through the front of the HS and sign in.

Dilley Wolves Cheerleaders: Back row - Ja’Sellie Castillo, Destiny Molina, Mia Valenzuela, Hailey Young, Blanca Muniz, Rena Ochoa, Danika Aranda, Jazmine Martinez(Wolfie), Middle Row: Lanie DuBose, Reyna Martel, Elizabeth Guite, Destiny Tijerina, Jackie Gonzales, Jaslyn Ochoa, Karina Gonzalez, Front Row: Mallory Dixon, Natalie Garza, Jaden Aranda, Anamarie Rodriguez

MHMS Pups Cheerleaders: 8th Grade - Aracely Aranda, Siyenna Garcia, Liliana Gonzales, Janilyn Aguilar, Gianina Gutierrez, 7th Grade - Klaudya Garcia, Arlynn Lopez, Arlette Lopez, Emily Crain, Ashlyn Keck, Mackenzie Cook, Bailey Hildebrand

PINK OUT T-shirt order forms are coming out soon!! Be on the lookout! The PINK OUT game is October 4th this year.

Come visit our DES Library!! See the below flyer for our extended hours!!