Cotulla ISD has decided not to sale pre-sale tickets for Friday's game. There will be designated parking areas for the visitors entrance which is shown on the picture below. Go Wolves Go!
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
The Band Booster Club will be having a taco plate sale! Sunday 9/15/19 @ First United Methodist Church (132 W. Miller) From 12:00pm -2:30pm $5 a plate Come out and support our Band!!!
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
Attention Citizens of Dilley!!
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
pink out
Cross country was on the trail again in Hondo this past weekend. 2nd Place - Melody Del Real and High School girls took 5th overall with 137 points. Everyone's times have been improving. Next meet, Sat., 9/14 @ River Park in Bandera for both Junior/High School.
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
Grandparents Day @ DES!
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
Grandparents Day at DES went great !! Thanks to all who came !
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
DHS Pep Rally #wolfpride #beatJourdanton
over 5 years ago, Dilley Early College High School
DHS Pep Rally #wolfpride #beatJourdanton
over 5 years ago, Dilley Early College High School
DHS Cheer
DHS band
DHS Cheer
Inspirational words for the Wolves
DHS pep rally #beatJourdanton #wolfpride
over 5 years ago, Dilley Early College High School
Dilley’s Lady Pups took on the Cotulla Cowgirls last night in what would prove to be an exciting showdown!! 8th grade B team took the court first and beat the Cowgirls in both sets coming out on top 20-19 and 21-18!!  Our 7th graders then took the court and put up a fight falling short in 2 games 13-25 and 15-25. Dilley’s 8th grade A team came out with guns blazing and made the Cowgirls work for every point they received! In the end our Lady Pups were the victors, having to battle to 3 sets. 1st set was won 25-22, 2nd set battled but lost a very exciting set 25-27, 3rd set our girls won 15-11!!!  Their next game will take place in Natalia on Monday Sept. 9th! 
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
South Texas High School Football is here! Dilley Wolves vs Jourdanton Indians at Dilley. Kick off 7pm Friday Sept 6. Pep Rally begins at 2:25 pm at the DHS gym. Visitors must have an ID to check in front office. Please park in the front of the HS. #beatJourdanton #wolfpride
over 5 years ago, Dilley Early College High School
Wintergarden District FFA Leadership Lab: Our Dilley FFA officers traveled to Eagle Pass, TX to attend the Wintergarden District FFA Leadership Lab. They had a blast connecting with other FFA members in our district! #wolfpride
over 5 years ago, Dilley Early College High School
Grandparent’s Day Tomorrow at Dilley Elementary School! Come read a book with your grandchild and take a pic! Please know your grandchild’s teacher to make it easier in the office. Here are the times for the grade levels: PK3: 11:30 PK4: 2:45-3:15 Kinder: 8:55-9:40 1st: 9:45-10:30 2nd: 10:35-11:20 3rd:12:10-12:55 4th: 1:00-1:45 5th: 1:50-2:35
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
MHMS Cheerleaders showing good sportsmanship with Jourdanton Cheerleader Madison. #AmericaNeedsCheerleaders #GoPupsGo
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
Support the Dilley ISD Volleyball teams by purchasing a shirt. Deadline for ordering is Monday, September 10th.
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
The pep rally is scheduled for Friday, September 6, 2019, at 2:25 p.m. Theme this week is candy land...students wear Seniors: neon blue Juniors: neon pink Sophomores: neon yellow Freshman: purple Parents/guardians are required to enter through the front of the HS and sign in.
over 5 years ago, Dilley Early College High School
Dilley Wolves Cheerleaders: Back row - Ja’Sellie Castillo, Destiny Molina, Mia Valenzuela, Hailey Young, Blanca Muniz, Rena Ochoa, Danika Aranda, Jazmine Martinez(Wolfie), Middle Row: Lanie DuBose, Reyna Martel, Elizabeth Guite, Destiny Tijerina, Jackie Gonzales, Jaslyn Ochoa, Karina Gonzalez, Front Row: Mallory Dixon, Natalie Garza, Jaden Aranda, Anamarie Rodriguez
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
MHMS Pups Cheerleaders: 8th Grade - Aracely Aranda, Siyenna Garcia, Liliana Gonzales, Janilyn Aguilar, Gianina Gutierrez, 7th Grade - Klaudya Garcia, Arlynn Lopez, Arlette Lopez, Emily Crain, Ashlyn Keck, Mackenzie Cook, Bailey Hildebrand
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
MHMS Cheer
PINK OUT T-shirt order forms are coming out soon!! Be on the lookout! The PINK OUT game is October 4th this year.
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD
pink out
pink out
Come visit our DES Library!! See the below flyer for our extended hours!!
over 5 years ago, Dilley ISD